Sunday 9 October 2011

Character Questionnaire - Abby Maitland

For one of our Introduction to Design Methods lessons, we were asked to pick a character and have them be interviewed. I picked Abby Maitland from the tv series Primeval.

What is your name?
Abby Maitland.

What is your sex?

How old are you?

What is your physique?
I'm athletic - I have to be in my line of work!

Do you see yourself as a hero, an antihero or a villain?

Do you have any scars?

Do you have any disabilities?

What is in your wardrobe?
Lots of stylish but practical outfits, can't go chasing after anomalies in heels!

What are you wearing today?
A red tank-top, cream cargo trousers, black Doc Marten style boots and a grey crop jacket.

What type of person are you deep down?
I care a lot about the people in my life, but I can be tough when I need to be.

Are you happy?
Most of the time.

Are you romantic?
I wouldn't say I'm not romantic necessarily, but relationships aren't high on my priority list at the moment.

Are you brave or a coward?
I guess I'm pretty brave - not many people could survive living in the Cretaceous era for a year!

Where do you live?
I have an apartment in London, near the ARC

What is your home like?
Its pretty cosy, a bit warm though, what with Rex needing the thermostat turned up and all.

What education did you receive?
I used to go to college, but I dropped out when I was offered a job in the lizard house at Wellington Zoo - it was kind of a dream job for me.

What is your job? At the moment I work at the ARC (Anomaly Research Centre). We monitor the anomalies, and protect the public from any creatures that may come wondering through them.

What is your workplace like? Busy, it's never just a quiet day at the office.

What do you do for fun? If I have any time to spare, I like to do yoga and practise kick-boxing. My job is pretty fun in itself though, there's never a dull moment!

Who are your friends? I don't really have any friends outside of the ARC, I don't have the time for it, I'm good friends with most of the people I work with (Connor, Becker, Sarah, Danny and Jess). Lester is pretty close to us all too, even though he'd never admit it.

Who are your family? Your parents, siblings, etc? I don't really keep in contact with my parents much, but my brother tends to stop in from time to time, and likes to cause trouble, like all brothers do.

What is your backstory? What happened before we met? Hmm, well lets see......
I worked as a keeper at Wellington Zoo, specialising in reptiles mostly. And then my boss got eaten by a future predator. After that I started working for people that were investigating the anomalies that these creatures came through, tracking the anomalies and closing them, hopefully before anyone gets hurt. There are a lot of stories from my time working at the ARC, too many to tell, but I did end up stranded in the Cretaceous era for a year once.

What are your fears? Spiders. Reptiles I'm fine with, hey I'm fine with dinosaurs and prehistoric monsters, but spiders...bleugh *shudders*

What are your weaknesses? I care a lot about the animals I work around, and I absolutely hate the thought of them getting hurt.

What are your dreams, desires or goals? (Revenge, love, wealth, etc.) I just want to keep people safe, and help get the prehistoric creatures back to their natural habitats, they don;t belong in our world, being poke and prodded at for research.

How far would you go to achieve your goal?I'll do as much as I can to help them, even if that means trying to sneak them all out so that Philip can't murder them because they are "inconvenient".

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