Friday 16 December 2011

Design Methods Script - Aiyana and Hugglebunny's Grand Quest

Act One:
·         Flashback of main char’s (Aiyana’s) past
·         Lead’s to present time of the story – shows Aiyana and Hugglebunny sitting under a tree in a forest
·         Aiyana sees a village in trouble and goes to help
·         Helps village – villagers tell Aiyana that the attackers were under the orders of HADEON, and that he is planning to invade with a full scale evil army of doooooooom!

Act Two:
·         Aiyana decides to attack Hadeon in his own territory, before he has a chance to attack.
·         Aiyana gathers a group of allies and sets off
·         Aiyana and the group fight/sneak/adventure their way to the Hadeon’s [EVIL CITADEL OF DOOOOOM!]

Act Three:
·         Aiyana fights Hadeon
·         Aiyana defeats Hadeon, either by killing him OR by bringing him back to the side of good.

(My Script will be focusing on the first Act of my story)



The camera pans across a picturesque forest - flowers blooming, birds singing, the nearby stream winding its way off into the distance.


Aiyana is sitting under a tree. She is cutting an apple and feeding it to Hugglebunny. Aiyana hears a loud explosion and looks up.

CUT TO CLOSE UP OF AIYANA’S FACE: she looks shocked and concerned.

MID RANGE CUT: Hugglebunny gets scared and hides under Aiyana’s cape.

Aiyana climbs to the top of a nearby tree to get a better view of what’s happening.

OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT: Aiyana sees smoke billowing in the distance. She puts the hood of her cape up. Hugglebunny peers out from under the hood cautiously. Aiyana sets off in the direction of the fire.


We see a village in chaos: buildings are burning and villagers are running around in a panic. Sinister-looking, armour-clad figures are rushing around rounding up the villagers and herding them together into a long line, ready to march them away. More of the sinister soldiers are ransacking buildings for supplies.

CUT TO AIYANA: she is watching from the tree line.

CLOSE UP ON AIYANA’S FACE: She furrows her brow angrily

LONG SHOT: Aiyana yells a battle cry and charges in, raising her sword high above her head as she charges.

Aiyana leaps on the nearest enemy, bringing her blade hurtling down onto his shield, splintering it into pieces. The soldier tries to retaliate, but Aiyana whirls around and smashes the hilt of her sword into his chin before he can react, sending him crashing to the ground. More soldiers come and one by one they fall, until the last enemy falls to the ground, and lies still as a rock. Aiyana is left standing alone, grasping her sword securely, still ready for another fight.

CLOSE UP OF AIYANA’S FACE: Aiyana sees  a soldier scrambling back to his feet and attempting to flee.  She grabs a throwing star and hurls it straight at him, the blades whirling through the air noisily. The throwing star careers into his shoulder, the force of the impact pinning him to a nearby tree. Aiyana approaches the soldier, who is flailing around helplessly.

Who sent you?

I’m not telling you anything.

Aiyana holds her sword up against the soldier’s throat. He looks confident at first, but he starts to panic as the sword starts to cut into his skin.

Alright alright!

Aiyana reduces the pressure of the sword just enough for the soldier to talk comfortably, but not enough that he may feel inclined to try and escape again.

(breathing heavily, panicked)
He is going to spread terror and chaos through this land until
no living thing is left standing.

Who is he?

(proudly and with confidence)

The mention of the name strikes fear into Aiyana’s heart.



FLASHBACK to Iniko Village. Buildings are crumbling beneath endless flames. Corpses are strewn across the village, and a tall, armoured figure is standing over the bodies, laughing maniacally. 

Cut to young Aiyana, hiding at the edge of the forest, watching in horror. She can’t bear to watch the slaughter any longer, but can’t bring herself to look away – her eyes are glued to the horrifying scene.

Aiyana catches some movement out of the corner of her eye. She wheels around in terror, expecting to meet eyes with one of the armoured figure’s soldiers. Instead, she sees a small pile of wreckage, shifting feebly. She reaches down to slowly move the wreckage, and reveal the cause of the movement. A tiny baby bunny comes crawling out from the wreckage, and upon seeing Aiyana, immediately bounds over and clings to her ankle. Aiyana kneels down, and the little creature hops up onto Aiyana’s shoulder,  and buries itself beneath her cape.

Aiyana fastens her cape securely to keep her new friend safe, and sets off, running as fast and as far away from the village as she possibly can, never stopping to look back.



Aiyana’s thoughts snap back to the current situation.

Get out of my sight.

The soldier scrambles to his feet and rushes away as fast as he can.

Aiyana turns to one of the villagers.

(in a friendly tone)
I need to get a message out to a few friends.
Hadeon needs to be stopped, but we will need reinforcements.

Of course, anything we can do to help.
We’ll send out messengers first thing in the morning.

CUT TO MID LENGTH SHOT OF AIYANA: Hugglebunny peers out from under the cape. Hugglebunny squeaks happily as Aiyana tickles her nose.

I knew we couldn’t avoid it forever.
Oh well, guess now is as good a time as any.

Hugglebunny scrunches up her nose determinedly.

Aiyana takes a deep breath, puffs up her shoulders and heads off to prepare for the coming battle.

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